Dec 03, 2005 14:02
it started like anyother night. drinks, words, smokes; exchanged. love left to simmer while action replaced my innocence with the woman i hold dear. the moon must have accepted my intentions and forbeared me to drink a guinness in the kitchen of the west end. the kitchen that brings the foodl; i must love it to distinguish its forms against laziness. jolly phatic conversations immerse the west end kitchen; foolish wit served. joints on the mind, like phone calls at 10:30 from a beatiful morning encrusted lady. who wants nothing more than a manly hand to receive her lasting caress. amigos bit the dust of early howling. drinks, solid facadal laughs empty from the pitcher into my elegant glass. sarcasm hold places where knowledge is an ocean. a dip into it has been done, forloined into dilution. dilute this beer as i howl at the moon. no guilt on a sunny filled day.