Nov 09, 2004 15:43
What is your stand on.....
Abortion? Completely pro-choice. If you have a fucking kid in your stomach at age 15 and don't want it to ruin your life then who gives a shit if you kill it? I think it is so stupid that everyone voted for that amendment about how girls under the age of 18 have to get parental consent to have an abortion. That's not gonna stop anyone. I mean they will just take a hanger and do it themselves. What is this going to solve?
Death Penalty? I like it. I think people who kill people should be fucking killed like they did to someone else.
Prostitution? If you want to sell your body, I'm not gonna stop you.
Alcohol? Beautiful.
Marijuana? Should be legal in the United States. How is it any worse than alcohol? You get fucked up either way.
Other drugs? Most other drugs are just stupid and completely pointless to take.
Gay marriage? I think there should definitely be gay marriage. Isn't everyone supposed to be created equal? Who decides who can stand there and say your a man and your a man you guys can't get married. What the fuck is wrong with our society.
Illegal immigrants? Who gives a shit? If the stupid Mexicans can cross the border without getting shot, more power to them.
Smoking? Occasional smoking is okay I guess.
Drunk driving? The stupidest thing anyone could EVER do! If you want to commit suicide fucking take a knife to your throat. Don't put other people in danger also.
Cloning? I don't see the point in it.
Racism? So fucking stupid it should have never been discovered.
Premarital sex? I don't think it's wrong at all. If you love someone enough that much then fine, but if your just a whore and want to take your clothes off for every guy you see, then there is a problem.
Religion? I don't have one.
The war in Iraq? Who cares?
Bush? No comment.
Downloading music? Free music is always good.
The legal drinking age? It doesn't matter what age it is people are going to continue to drink in excess, so whether you let 4 year olds or 80 year olds drink your still going to have violence.
Porn? Never should have been invented because guys get to horny because of it and it's gross how almost every guy over the age of 12 thinks about sex every 5 minutes.
Suicide? Okay, I guess.