Around the last couple of weeks, lots of synchronicities around Iceland.
Eidfaxi magazine sent by friend Yvonne in Holland. I haven't seen 'Eidfaxi' in
Post of
of 'Sterling (artfldarknbuzzd)' on ...friends in Iceland ?- HOW exactly ?, artfully
drifting to elfs and trolls...
All coming full circle in author of the book
Odsmal (book --description), and 'granny biker'
"Goia" Gudrun Kristin Magnussdottir's birthday today !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOIA !!! --And since the song Ventura Highway -not an everyday event anymore !- was on the
radio "Alligators, Lizards in the air" as I was preparing this Post, oh man !
I just HAD to pull up that
LINK I found many many years ago.
click: Iceland is actually in the Caribbean....better not start on how many times 'the Caribbean' has come up in the last
couple of weeks ! *grin -now that 'the Caribbean' is nicely tied up with Iceland,
and apparently aways WAS.