Nov 17, 2008 23:28
Hiii guys! Everyone alright? *makes drinks* *plonks self down on sofa*
Well, it's 11:30 and I'm just eating (well sucking) a lolly.. it tastes a bit weird though. Oh well.
Updates! I went to see David Tennant, he was awesomeee <3 Sar and I had a little jaunt round Stratford before, had tea and then went down to the theatre. He was great, really funny :D He didn't come out afterwards which was a shame.. this lady came out and said he'd left the building but my arse he had.. there's only two exits and he'd hardly go out the front now would he, plus there was a nice-looking car there, likely for him. Never mind :) It was still good.
Erm, hmm.. what else.. got the DOI tour DVD woop! It's awesome! And while we're on the subject of DVDs, I bow down to a certain Miss Flo for creating an awesomely hilarious photoshop! Made me laugh loads xD
And yeah, since then, haven't really done a lot else.. just college and that jazz soo yeah.
Anywaysss.. I shall be off :P
Byeee xxx