(no subject)

Aug 27, 2005 21:18

It finally sunk in today. It's really my last year here. One short year. At this time one year from now I will be in Costa Rica. And from there Hawai'i, then Australia, then who knows where. It's always been a plan, but until today, talking to Randy in the shop about when I'm going where and stuff, it was just a plan. Now it's really there. Randy is leaving in about a month, I'm sticking around until I graduate, staying in touch through the mail, and then following him. It's that f*cking close. I have one year to tie up loose ends and get done what I want to get done. After that I'm off to live a simple life in a third world country with nothing but what counts. It's exciting, I like still things, quiet things, natural beauty, and it's going to be all around me. But it's a whole new world and it's right there now, instead of being way off in the distance. This is what I want to get accomplished in the next year before life as I know it turns upside down.

1) have a great year of hockey. no worries about winning and what my ratings are or who in whatever area thinks what of Travis Massa when they don't even know who he is, just have fun. I was born with a talent for this game, and even though it pisses me off and I get way too high strung over it, I want to go through it one more time and make it good.

2) be supremely nice to everyone who i've been really mean to, like timmy. i need to realize that i'm not that damn funny and no one wants to hear it.

3) get a girl and have a good relationship for a while before I leave because I wont be able to again for who knows how many years or even decades lol. I don't want to fall in love, I already did that and it was fun but I don't want to again. I just want to have a nice girlfriend.

4) figure out the whole creator-religion-belifes thing. what i belive, what i don't, I want to come to some kind of place where I feel comfortable with the way my universe works. right now I'm kind of confused as to what I think about it all, I hope to come to some conclusion.

5) party. party my arse off as hard as i can without killing myself. going out with a bang? sure, call it that i guess.

I want to leave feeling like I didn't just leave anything open or unfinished. one year to do it. one year......hmm one year is a very short time. I miss my close friends. They're all gone. Oh well, life is lonely, but it's amazingly fun.

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