Too Cool For School

Jan 08, 2008 13:45

K. So. Much less internet time as of late. First was orientation on Friday and I've been going pretty solid since then with no break where I have the energy to actually read my friends page and stuff. I went to a wedding on Saturday but which has been in the offing for some months. I had intended a preliminary post about it, but that never quite came to pass what with tornadoes and forging signatures and applying for new jobs and listening to speeches about how much different college will be than high school, but we'll all adjust. Bleh.

Anyway, this isn't about any of that. The wedding will require it's own massive post when I have a good long time to muse. This post is being written from a high up perch in the Online Coffee Company on 1st Ave. I had my first class yesterday, Introduction to Screen Writing.  It is freaking awesome.  It even has an opinionated eccentric professor. I already love this class.

Today's class was different. Due to weekend related craziness, I wasn't really officially a student until Monday morning (yesterday) so I haven't had access to my class schedule until recently. One of the classes that I was signed up for was GE 140 "World Civilization." I was afraid that it was going to be a baby high school class. I was 150% correct. Ten percent of our grade was to come from a paper (about our own family history) that was, get this, 5 pages long. With pictures. The teacher actually said, "If it's not long enough, just make the images bigger." All sorts of academic, Bachelor's Degree-having parts of me started to curl up in agony.

On the first break I told the teacher that I needed out of this class and didn't mention that I wanted one without a babysitter and he told me to talk to Robbie, the Animation Department's Academic Director. Robbie has a very cool office and he imediately went on the computer and took me the hell out of that class. Bonus, he put me in a class that's worth my time, and it's on Wednesday (my old day of no school) so I won't have missed the first class by attending "Stuff Happened Before The 80's You Dumb-Asses 101." So happy.

So I found myself with the remaining three hours of class time to burn. I decided to go to Career Services and get an appointment to talk to somebody about getting Erica's old job in the AI version of the Writing Center.  The earliest appointment they had was at 3:00, still an hour away. So I had still more time to kill.

Yesterday I walked down past Pike Place and a ways on 1st to a job interview at a very cool bookstore. It went very well and I really really hope they hire me. While I was there a nice man from the Online Coffee Company heard us say something about Starbuck's and he gave us coupons to his fine establishment just up the street. So today, I was starving because I forgot (again) to get some sort of lunch before striking out for school. Dude. I need to stop that. But anyway, today I went up to Pike Place and bought a beef and cheese piroshky from Piroshky Piroshky. I think I would have been better off with the spinach, egg, and cheese, but this one was good too, and deliciously fluffy. Then with that coupon in my pocket I decided to come up a bit further to the coffee shop. It is a most excellent coffee shop, and this coffee is really good. Like I could drink it without tons of sugary crap in it good. It is rich and delicious and I don't want to get addicted to this damn stuff, but this is the best coffee I've ever had (not that that's saying much, as I don't drink it particularly regularly). And with every coffee purchase you get a half hour online free and unlimited free wi-fi if you have a laptop. Students with ID get an hour free. This place is awesome. I am sooo coming back, especially if I get that job. Please, please, please.

The point is that I feel like things are going much better than they have been. I see the light at the end of the dog grooming kennel, and I don't have to take baby classes where we're encouraged to make historical macaroni projects for bonus points and it's 'not a writing class,' so the teacher will edit our five page papers for us. *Shudder* Also, I feel very hip and cosmopolitan. Ooh that's good coffee. And now, it's just about time to start heading back for my meeting with What's-His-Name.

piroshky, school, coffee

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