
Jan 26, 2012 21:46

Ok, so, last June crack_van was desperate for drivers for Sherlock, so I volunteered. I didn't hear from anyone so I figured that they weren't gonna use me. Then today! I get a message that I'm driving for February! Eep!

Fortunately I have actually thought off and on about what I'd like to rec, and have been watching the other Sherlock recs to see if my stories come up (and some of them have, bugger but not all of them). But I thought I would put out a call to my nearest and dearest for suggestions. I could use something long and epic to round out the stuff I have now. All my favorite grand scale Sherlock either came from CV in the first place or has since been recced by somebody else. I have lots of short and medium fluffy cracky stuff and one really good darker piece. Well 2, annnd maybe three if I decide to use that one. Plus after I have Sunday and Monday off and can spend them reading through the newer stuff that is popping up post Reichenbach (huzzah!) so I am not super worried about rounding out my quota, but still, suggestions would be welcome.
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