Ra! Ra! Ra!

Oct 12, 2007 14:12

Work is really getting me down atm for reasons I'm not going to go into (I'm posting this from the work server)

I am extraordinarily over-tired and impossibly kranky today. Ran into Patrick on Wednesday evening. He pleaded with me to text him, so I did. I have no idea why. We spoke and it was fine, even nice, but now I'm just sitting there thinking "What am I doing?". I keep remembering other stuff that I found out afterwards from other people. Not the stuff you all know.

The past is comfortable, but not neccessarily the right thing. AND, just because I'm single and would like somebody doesn't mean that he's right for me.

Class is abso-fucking-lutely fabulous. We're working a lot with the body. Apart from some defamilirization exercises, we did a lot of Still Image works (groups getting together and making live still photographs, illustrating a story or an idea, or a fairytale; which was the longest, most complicated and most fun). Everything is pointed out, which is how you learn; from holding your pose and not reacting to the audience, from your body betraying the emotion you're trying to convey, to trusting that you can walk across the room with your eyes closed with the other twenty people who are in the same boat and afraid that they are going to hit a wall and DIE. Which of course they don't because they are walking about 0.1mph, or something.

The classes are incredibly well thought and taught. It's turning out to be the highlight of my week.

Off to Albion next week to see Sparky and latterly Middle. Playing TescoDisco at Hedges and Butler, Regent Street, London this Wednesday coming. At least I hope I am. Their website for the past while has said they are still on their summer holiday. Here's hoping that I go over and they're actually there! The following night Sparky and I are playing as FMC at the Cella Sessions in Brighton. Was trying to get a gig for the friday in a dyke bar, but no such luck as of yet. Will see what's available when I get over their, the anal management rampage!

Also, I'm (finally) going to Camden Market with Middle to meet up with her; I wanted to go there and it was ten times easier for me to get there. Eldest isn't coming as she was supposed to, but I have an idea as to why, so that's okay. And then the Sunday am I back home to the noisy, smelly Monday morning of work!

So, looking at my schedule, the best night for me to meet the man of my dreams abroad would be friday. Just a mental note

patrick, camden, work, fmc, class, wit

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