application for asgardeventide

Nov 27, 2011 19:47

OOC Information;
Name; Nata
Personal Journal; meduka
Contact;  email ; • plurk ; timetables • AIM ; moofiatsu
Other Characters; None, but I am also apping John Watson from BBC's Sherlock this round!

IC Information;
Character Name; Jadesprite
Canon; MSPA: Homestuck
Canon Point; Right before merging with Jade in her God Tier ascension. 
Age;  13 years old.

House; Sigyn
Power; Growth

Personality; There are a couple of things that you need to know about Jadesprite. One is that she is technically dead, but reincarnated. The second is that her personality is quite different from the waking, walking Jade Harley.

Originally, Jadesprite was the Prospitian dreamself of Jade Harley. The two could easily be mistaken for one another, as they look pretty much exactly alike. However, there are differences in their personalities. Jade has experienced quite a few hardships in her life, with her grandpa dying when she was a young child and being raised by her dog on a deserted island and all. Dream Jade on the other hand, has known nothing but happiness on Prospit. She's lived her dream life (literally!), carefree and happy with her Prospitian friends. This has made her a bit oblivious to the "real world", which she probably wouldn't have come to know in the first place, had she not been prototyped. But now that she has, poor Jadesprite is pretty much scared shitless. She was a bit "ditzy and forgetful", according to Jade.

When she's first seen, Jadesprite pretty much goes into total hysterics. She was apparently pulled away from some kind of afterlife with her friends when she was prototyped, and wants nothing more than to go back and be with them. Even though this is pretty much impossible, she doesn't stop crying and whining to Jade and will not listen to any consoling words that the girl offers to her. She's a bit stubborn in this way, much to the dismay of Jade. Anything that reminds her of what once was (read: Prospit, John, her friends, or anything that she lost, really) will, you guessed it, cause her to cry even more. She really just hates existing in general, and is pretty useless for a Sburb mechanic that is supposed to help the player through the game.

It's also quite clear that Jadesprite is very, very pessimistic. After dying, she began to fully believe that all hope was lost and that her perfect life on Prospit was all a lie. Now that it's been destroyed, she thinks that there is nothing to live for. The so called "destiny" she had as a Hero of Space? The new world she was supposed to create along with her friends? It wasn't real. Imaginary. A fake.
She regards herself as being useless, a scaredy-cat, insignificant, and pretty much a nobody in comparison to Jade and what she has done to help her waking-world friends. She's also quite doubtful in her own abilities, seen when she full-out rejects Jade's suggestion to help her and the others fight Bec Noir. She's completely ready and willing to die again and wants to go back to her "afterlife", but seems to be quite picky about how that happens. When Jade brings up the point that going to fight Jack would be a win/win situation (if they win, they win Sburb, if they don't, Jadesprite could possibly die again), Jadesprite completely rejects the idea, saying that Jade "doesn't understand". Stubborn as a mule, this one.

Despite all of this, Jadesprite does retain some of the qualities that the original Jade has. She will do pretty much anything for her friends, and is more than willing to put them before herself. But the difference is that while Jadesprite's resolve is there, she doesn't think that she can do anything at all to help, and just sobs about how useless she is. Jade is much more optimistic in this sense, and is willing to try even if it is clearly futile. Jadesprite is fully aware of this, but simply takes it as a fact that cannot and never will be changed.

Network Sample;  here, at my musebox!

Log Sample; It had been about a week since Jadesprite had arrived in Asgard, and it was a bit of an understatement to say that she hated it. Hell, it was an understatement to say that she hated being alive. She has been utterly useless to everyone here, as per usual. Her first guardian powers had been taken away and replaced with something called "growth" - as if she knew what that meant! All she wanted to do was teleport away and go back home. Even better, she wanted to go back to Prospit and look at the clouds again. That was always her favourite thing to do when she felt sad... but it was impossible to go back to that life. There was nothing but space where Prospit once was, even if she was able to go back. She was going to die on the Battlefield in Davesprite's company, and she definitely preferred that to this place.

As she sniffled and whimpered in that silly dog fashion, the green girl found herself in a small garden. It didn't look like anyone was maintaining it anymore; most of the flowers in the patch were either dead or withering. It made her sad to look at it, but the thought of flowers reminded her of her old interests. She liked gardening... right? It felt like ages since she had tended to any kind of fauna. She wiped her tears on her sleeve and decided to float over the short fence and enter the garden to inspect what kind of flowers they were, or at least what they used to be.

Kneeling down on her wispy green tail, she looked down to view a particular flower; a small daisy. It was quite pathetic at a glance... all of the petals were withered and falling, and the stem itself was wilted. It was pitiful to look at, and it almost reminded Jadesprite of herself in a way. Useless. Forgotten. Probably better off dead. 
With a small sigh, she closed her eyes to think to herself. Would she ever see her friends again? Could they ever come to this place, even though they were dead? It all seemed futile, but she was trying her best to hope.

Absentmindedly, her hand touched the petals of the dying flower. It took her a moment to notice, but her hand was beginning to glow ever so slightly. As she opened her eyes to look at the flower, a small gasp escaped her.

The flower was as healthy as can be.


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