Dec 19, 2012 00:12
In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, I know there will be renewed calls for gun controls.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I have guns. I strongly believe that people have the right to protect themselves, and their families. I believe that it should be, not just a right, but an obligation.
There are many instances where one person, armed, was able to stop a potential mass shooting by their quick actions and willingness to protect themselves and others. You don't hear about them. It's not "interesting". It's not news. Because nothing happened.
It disturbs me that we have made schools targets by declaring them Gun Free Zones. It's the one place that someone can go to kill with impunity...they are guaranteed there will be no armed teacher, no security guard, no off-duty cop parent dropping off their child, to stop them. I have no children, but if I did I know I would feel much better if I knew the educators with whom they spend so much time were armed and trained to protect them.
The teachers at Sandy Hook gave their lives protecting their charges...the are truly heroes. But they shouldn't have been forced to be helpless.
That may seem like an extreme view, but I strongly feel that we have both the right and the obligation to be responsible for our own well-being. The state does a crap job....and it shouldn't be their job. People need to stop being sheep.
My 2 cents. I know there are many who disagree, and I do respect their views.
But I'll hold mine longer.