
Aug 15, 2009 15:29

Soooo school is starting up again soon (this Monday) and orientation day was yesterday.  We got talked at for two hours by the principal and assorted members of the administration.  The principal hates our class.  She called last year's seniors "her shining stars" and I guess we're just the dregs and homos and maladjusted uber nerds that the stars shine down on.

Or something like that!  Anyway here's my class schedule, as an excuse for not being so active around LJ and everywhere.

Our school day is divided into eight periods with a rotating schedule, meaning classes switch around.  Except lunch classes.  So, here goes:

A: AP English Language
B: Honors Physics
C: AP Government/Econ
D: Orchestra
E: Lunch
F: AP Calculus BC
G: Theology
H: AP Art History

AP classes are college level classes and you have to take a big test on them at the end of the year in order to get college credit.  Theology is mandatory.  I'm really tired of it by now...  So yeah.  I'm actually pretty okay with my schedule, considering that I signed up for all these hardass classes and I had better be okay with them.  The only thing is, Math and Science are definitely not my strongest subjects and I really wish my Calculus class wasn't during lunch.  Because after I eat I always get sleepy...  And having orchestra as a lunch class is really weird too.

Oh well.  I dunno.  So yes, if I'm dead, just... have mercy.  Because my classes certainly won't! *bows*

And I'm a senior this year - college applications, college visits, getting a black belt in karate, passing my classes, practicing music for orchestra... holy shit.

school, screwed

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