Hi guys! My 12.5 week old puppy, Lola, is getting there with house training, but still having an issue. Basically, she knows not to go in her crate and can make it about 6 hours at night, but has to go out every 1-2 hours during the day or will pee in the house. That's not the problem, I figure she will grow out of that.
The problem I'm having is getting her from her crate to the door. As soon as we get to the front door, she pees on the carpet! I've tried putting my shoes on and leashing her up at the crate, but in the amount of time it takes to unlock the door she will pee there. She doesn't go on the doormat, but on the carpet near the door, if that matters. When I pick her up and tell her "outside!" and then put her down on the grass, she will finish going out there.
How can I teach her to wait those extra 30 seconds between the door and the grass?