Mar 30, 2009 12:33
Hey! I'm Sarah, 16, and I have a problem with my 4-year-old Yorkie girl, Dusya.
My mom spends the most time with her, plays with her, feeds her, talks to her. Dusya is, understandably, very attached to my mom. However, she is INCREDIBLY over-protective. To the point where if she were a big dog instead of a toy, it would be truly dangerous. When she's lying on the couch next to mom, if I come up and sit next to them, she will bark. Not so threatening, but she doesn't like me to approach my mom if she's near. If I try to take Dusya, pick her up, put on her leash, she will SNAP. The moment I approach, her entire body language says "GET AWAY". I try to calmly pet her, but she is in pure "I will kill you if you touch me" position. If I touch her, she bites. Today, she was sitting next to my mom, who was standing at the kitchen counter, and I came to put on Dusya's leash. She actually bit me. My mom, however, can do whatever she wants with her without fear.
Another thing is, she hates walks most of the time and to get her to come so I can put on her harness, I have to yell "COME" sharply a few times. She's always stiff when I put it on her, so when she bit me today, I thought it was just the usual stiffness. Which isn't good either, so I'm finally getting on over here to see what I can do.
I know perfectly well I'm in the wrong. I get annoyed when she snaps at me and don't do anything to fix it. She's a wonderful (yet very shy) girl when not protecting my mother.
resource guarding,