Mar 15, 2009 12:58
I'm trying to teach my dogs (4 year old Dobermans) to target an object. So far, I can get them to target it when it's in my hand, but they don't seem to be catching on to even showing an idle interest in the object when it's not in my hand. Should I add a cue to touching the object with their noses and then try moving the object out of my hand?
I do clicker train them.
On the plus side, using a spoon of cat food and a clicker, I have now taught two of my cats to target the object wherever I put it. The cats caught on in 15 seconds that touching the target got them a lick of wet food, no matter where I put the target. It is currently hidden in a desk drawer because otherwise they sit and stare at me expectantly and then smack it with a paw as soon as I look.