Hello there, my name is Cass. I am a full-time college student studying to be a Medical Assistant AND a vet tech, work part time at Goodwill, and volunteer and participate in the everyday workings of an animal rescue called Rescue Farm. (Sounds like I have a lot of free time, huh?) Haha.
Anyways, my fiance and I have one dog, an adopted 4 year old, 35lb. Wheaten Terrier Mix named ELWOOD who we've had for a year now. He's a great dog. We can take him anywhere, around anyone, in the car, on boats, in strange places, camping, etc. Which is great, because he hates being alone.
When we first adopted him, I wasn't in school or work and my fiance worked full time so I was always with him. When I started school, my fiance got laid off and was always with him. Once Elwood had to be left alone, we quickly discovered he wasnt going to have it. He SCREAMED like someone was trying to kill him. In addition, he tore up the carpet at our bedroom door.
We were able to stop the destructiveness, thank god. We tryed crating him and it seems as though his first owners punished him by putting him in the crate, which is a big no no, and now means I cannot crate him.
We've been able to get him to quit screaming all the time, and now he just whimpers incessantly and DROOLS all over himself. We come home and he is sopping wet.
We're about to move out into our own apartment and I'm sincerly worried about how he's going to do. I'll leave the apartment and move back in with my parents before I'll let anything happen to my dog but I want to know I have done everything I can to prepare him for apartment living.
I'm hoping to get an apartment adjacent to another dog owner, so that they'll sympathize with me and not be like "ugh, your stupid dog..."
He won't be home alone ALOT, but he will be home alone. Possibly for up to 6 or 7 hours. I go to school during the day, but my fiance's home. On days we both work evenings though (which is only 2 days a week) he'll be alone.
He's got Kongs and all sorts of stuffed toys that he ignores. Anymore pointers for me to calm him down? I worry about the drooling and considered asking my vet about it. He gets his heart beating so fast and just panic drools like that, I'm worried aboutthe stress it's putting on his heart :(
I'm happy we've made progress though. I know he just doesn't want to lose us like he lost his first owners but I want him to be the well rounded, happy dog he is when he with us.
Elwood and one of my previous fosters, Hannah. He LOVES other dogs but he loved her in a special way, like a big brother. We should have kept her as it helped occupy him when he was alone but I can't logically get another dog when I'm about to move into a tiny apartment. Sorry Elwood!
Elwood's graduation picture. The class was kind of pointless becausehe already knew how to sit, down, roll over, etc. He's a jumper, but its tolerable. He enjoyed it, which makes it worh $100 smackers to me. I love my dog, it's kind of gross ;)
My fiance and Elwood, being goofy.
Playing in the snow :)
Ok, that's all for now. I look forward to all the good advice!
EDIT: I tryed the DAP plug in. Not the 15 spray, the 40 dollar plug in! Didn't seem to matter at all. I'll send the plug in to you free though if YOU'd like to try it though!