(no subject)

Sep 15, 2015 11:46

My husband and I adopted a dog on Saturday, and we get to bring her home this evening. She's nine months old, and we don't know much about her history. The adoption counselor told us that she's housebroken, she loves cats and kids, and her favorite treat is shoes xD. However, when I was going over her paperwork after I got home, it said that she was a stray. I'm not sure how a stray dog would be housebroken, or how they would know she is housebroken when she has lived in a cage at the shelter. So it's a little grey.

We spent about an hour with her on Saturday. It could have just been the excitement of being out of her cage and in the play yard (on a leash), but she doesn't seem to have any manners at all. She didn't seem to know her name or what "no" means. She is also very mouthy.

I'm a little nervous to say the least. I've done the puppy routine several times, but I've never adopted an older dog before. While she is definitely still a puppy at 9 months, she's not an itty bitty baby puppy. She's got a little more life experience under her belt, and I'm not entirely sure how that changes things. We've already signed her up for a training class, but it doesn't start until the 26th.

So I guess just any general advice anyone could give would be great! Should I just ignore the fact that she's a little older and treat her as I would a younger puppy, or should I take a different approach? Thanks in advance!

Edited to add a picture of her sweet face:

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