Jul 01, 2009 09:34
If the eye of the storm is calm, which part is the most fierce? The mouth? The epicentre?
Whatever it's called, that is where our house is. I think it's the Quarry Street wind-tunnel effect, combined with waterfront proximity. There has been a storm at our house for the past two weeks, even when the sky is clear in the next suburb. I love it. The melody made by the leaky roof cascades, the pots and pans overflowing with drips. The strangely soothing wail of the harbour siren telling ships not to dock. There's a raw feeling in my mind and in my veins; I feel clear and alive for the first time in ages.
Heading down south this weekend for some good little fox / Luna Parade shows in Dunsborough and Bunbury. Road trip! Free hotel rooms! Drinking! The pure, concentrated party that has been poured into a man-shaped mould and called Darryl! I love Luna Parade. What fun.
Also! Next weekend we are heading into the studio to record three new tracks. I'm excited about these songs, because I've never had such a strong response - both positive and negative - to anything else in the set. I am, of course, referring to "Let's Fuck Like Crazy People," and "We Make Party." So many people rave drunkenly about how fun these songs are, and so many people hate them with a passion. It's refreshing. The third song is a heartfelt little number entitled "I Need Somebody to Fix My Roof." (cf. section about the storm, above).