Jan 08, 2007 21:47
... we must stare, we must stare, we must stare!
So, Saddam is dead. Who should choose who lives and dies? What's next? When will we learn that war cannot create peace and why on earth are we celebrating the death of ANY human being?
I really hate the death penalty, I do, but that is really not the point. The point is people are sensationalizing the death of a human, posting videos and 'celebrating' his death. Its sickening to see people behaving this way. If you can't understand where I'm coming from, you must have not ever lost a loved one. Think of what Saddam's family must be going through right now, just from his death. Now add people glorifying his execution. No, not Iraqis who's family members Saddam killed, but Americans who have never been physically threatened by him in their life. Sure, I am happy he will no longer threaten his people, and if anyone deserved the death penalty, it was him.
I'm not going to apologize for stepping on toes here. If you are going to commit the atrocity of celebrating Saddam's (or anyone else's') death, get the heck away while you do it.
saddam execution