Guess where I went last Friday Night?

May 19, 2010 14:01

Yellowstone.As in Yellowstone National Park.A friend of mine,has a son who works in the park, and I tagged along to keep her company on the drive upthere;when she went to pick him up for the weekend.
To say,that it was an awesome experience,would be a grotesque understatement.I got to see Old Faithful and experienced what it's like to give right of way,to an animal;that weighs as much as an SUV.
I really wish,that I had brought my camera with me,so that I could have some pictures, to show off.Plus,after going there, I truly belive,in my humble opinion;that if anyone, ever gets the chance;to visit America's first national park,in person.That they should do so,by all means.Because,it is truly like no other place,on the planet and until you've been there;you really can't grasp just how magnificent a place it is.


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