I just finished two books by authors with the last name Foer. It's not a coincidence. While searching the library's catalog for one, I saw the other and thought it sounded interesting.
The random one was How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization by Franklin Foer. It certainly kept my interest, tracing the various
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Please tell me the American analog of:
Celtic/Rangers, wherein fans hate each other because of religion, screaming and singing such witticisms as "Fuck the Pope" and "We're wading in Fenian/Protestant blood."
Barcelona/Madrid, where the ancient hatred of Catalan vs. Castilians are played out.
The violent anti-Semitism of clubs in Eastern Europe, holding up banners about how "The trains are leaving for Auschwitz" and such. This was 5 years ago, mind you, not in 1942.
The violent anti-anyone-not-white racism of clubs that still is quite popular, apparently, when a black player gets the ball. Whatever may have happened in Jackie Robinson's day, these days and really since the 70s at the latest, it largely doesn't. Certainly nobody in the stadium makes ape noises when a black player gets the ball. This shit still happens in Europe or did, at least, in 2004 according to the book I read.
I'm not saying we're "better" than them. I'm saying that at least when it comes to sports, we've so far managed to avoid this stuff. Yes, Philly and Boston fans are dicks. Give it another few hundred years and maybe we will. But for now, so far mostly so good.
Perhaps I am wrong. Convince me.
Anyway! This is probably all in the book, sorry. I should read it.
Never read the JSF book you mention, but I thought Everything Is Illuminated was stunning - would recommend it if you haven't already read it (but I imagine you have).
I actually have read Everything is Illuminated. I thought it was... okay. Didn't really grab me quite the way Extremely Loud did.
There was plenty of bumping and jostling, of course, but probably a lot less than you'd see in a rugby scrum, and likely no worse than what happens in soccer.
[while they're still a major feature of NASCAR events]
... to a bunch of dicks at Arizona State...
... to Kansans and Missourians getting their Civil War on..
[what the fuck?]
... to the class resentments displayed in pretty much any state in the Union where there is a major land-grand institution and a separate university.. (or sometimes just for the hell of it)...
While you don't see as much of the open segregation that characterized professional sports into the 1950s (and Sixties in the case of the "Southern" Washington Redskins) and continued in high school and college sports into the 1970s, you don't have to look very long to find more recent incidents....
Then there's all the in-your-face "redneck pride" culture war stuff associated with a lot of "outdoor" sports--our local outdoor sports big-box store hosted a Todd Palin event two years ago, and they sell plenty of merchandise that caters to that element...
etc., etc.
Anyhow, like I said, I can't say exactly how the level of sociopolitical drama associated with American sports is compares with that in global soccer, but I do think there's a substantial amount of it out there.
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