I was beginning to feel that it was about time that I wrote something in this journal o' mine, as it's been long enough since I last wrote anything that I've reached critical mass of somewhat interesting events again.
But, without further ado, here are a few things that
auri_tifa asked me.
Clicky if interested )
Comments 8
You learn, and you learn fast. :p After all, isn't that what uni is for, to throw on a lot of stuff you can't do and make you do it? Builds character. ^_^
Indifferent, causual, slacker... perhaps. But I've always preferred "bohemial". Take the world as it comes, demand little of it, and you'll end up a more content chap. A worthy goal, by all accounts. :D
*perhaps mightn't mind a round of questions*
So, questions...questions...
1. You're a fan of all fish, to be true, but if you had to pick one variety over the rest, which would it be, and for what reasons?
2. What's one hobby or subject that you haven't really investigated before, but would like to know more about at some time?
3. What would be your ideal job? In other words, what would you like to be doing with yourself down the track? (If you have no idea, I'll accept an answer of $null)
4. Follow any sports? (If not, ever considered watching the cricket? :p)
5. Ever received any special awards?
What foxy said. ^_^;
Buuut... if ya wanna toss down a few questies *giggles* I can handle it. ^^;
"If you know everything you need to for the job you'll be bored out of your mind within the first week."
Try to find something that you have some rudimentary understanding in, and feel you should be able to learn given the chance. I started my current job thinking I'd be doing mostly computer work. Heh, totally wrong. But, I'm learning how to do tons of other things, many of which will probably be useful in the future.
Besides, if you can't handle the job, the worst thing that happens is you quit. Besides, if an employer hires you, they obviously think you're compitent enough to do the job, which should certainly be a confidence booster. =)
If you're bored and want to come up with another set of questions, feel free to make more for me, even though I've already had a round.
Most computer work, such as programming, is done on a contractual basis, but every office has a tech department, and those are salaried employees (or, if you're a temp like me, on an hourly basis).
I'll get to the questions later today, seeing as it's almost time for my lunch break. =P
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