Dec 09, 2009 08:30
got up early this morning.. I knew the weather was bad. Did horses , dressed warm, just in case the was a problem.... Great foreshadowing,.. Driving out of Livonia.. I just passed a snow plow heading towards me, so I was going slow. Doesn't bambi decide to lead her friends across the road, so I slow as best one can.. but lead dear takes it right in the shoulder... looks at me, slides off the hood and goes across the street... so ...I stop, the car behind me stops behind me checks if I am ok.. call sheriff, while waiting for the police, I go look at the car and the deer. I now know why I don't hunt. I can't look at an injured animal that I caused the harm against. I had no problem with the officer shooting the animal, in fact it was a relief to know the suffering was over. But the morning has hit a new level of suck!
I never swerved, so the grill has some issues and the hood got a slight roll to the front edge. Merry Christmas to me.....I know I want santa to bring me the deductible to fix it , which I will follow up on after school...
That is what I get for planning ahead... I should have stayed home sick...