United 93

Jun 29, 2006 15:47

I saw United 93 last week. It was very very realistic. And because of this the beginning and middle was kinda boring. But I got through it and the ending became more interesting. I liked the idea that it was also trying to show the crashings from the terrorists point of view. The main stewardess really annoyed me. But there's always one, isn't there. It represented things well, and had a lot of different views from different angles, very fairly. Although I thought that the message could have been stronger, it wasn't exactly revolutional. But for a film that had to happen eventually, it surved it's purpose.
I'm ashamed to say this, but I think that if I saw the World Trade Centre, I'd enjoy that more, because it has stronger main characters and love stories and and a bit more entertaining from a person who wants to enjoy a film point of view. Although, Hollywood tends to blow up the truth quite a lot, but they shouldn't have done that with this topic. I mean, I liked The Day After Tomorrow, and stuff like that, even though it's way over the top.
But I don't just like action/hollywood movies. I do sometimes find great movies with depth/meaning/purpose...

This guy is absolutely amazing. He creates models that are the size of a blood cell, or something close to. See that needle? His models fit in there. :O Just mind blowing.

films, art, cinema

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