once again, DR. ZOIDBURG!!!!

Jun 19, 2003 00:07

Well, I certainly havn't been here in a while.

I decided to write a livejournal entry when matt prompted me to look at mikey's long entry about touching stuff or whatever. Here is a quick recap of events in quick succession.

-uh, Graduated high school!!!!!!!! woob
(note: they just had to mispronounce my last name up there huh? They got it right during the practice, so why should it be any different? I so want to swear right now but I won't)
-Sober Grad Party!!!!!!!!!!
(I won a hundred bucks and lots of big tootsie rolls. twas a good night to spend with friends)
-work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, and work.
(never work one day a week and then move up to five immediately, its hard on the free time)
-Oli moved due to some strange circumstances that have threatened his life. Very hush hush.
(ask me about it) P.S. I still have his watch, muahahahahahahha!
-Kevin went to some camp but then came back about 3 weeks early.
(he was either lonely or sick, I think it was both)
-DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(be afraid because I can legal drive all by my lonesome now) (in fact I got the thing today, funny story, ask me about it as well)
-uh, my big ass fundage due to working so much.
(with no expenses and averaging 13 bucks an hour*, I have mucho moola)
*based on tips earned plus min wage

some more stuff probably happened but I don't really remember at the moment right now.
It is after all, 1:17 in the morning despite what the post time says. oh yea
-New Nintendo Power!
(they brighten my month up by regale-ing me with its pretty info on nintendo stuff)

Check list of what I must do some time this summer.

-make Mike his poke handbook.
-visit Adam Hawk (i need to find out where he lives)
-buy lots and lots of magic cards to get back in the loop.
-get my own pretty car (or an ugly ass one, I don't care too much at this point)
-get in better shape (I've got to have personal achievement goals)
-buy a computer thats not a laptop (I've been wanting to for so long now)
some other stuff as well.

Well, I don't work tomorrow, or today, whatever, so I'm going to do some cool stuff with my fry ends. Need my beauty sleep that I won't get. !ay ees
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