Holy massive donation Batman!

Nov 12, 2009 20:16


One of the building companies we use at work sent me a message today. Something along the lines of "we've donated to you, but only if you promise to grow back the beard - the clean shaven look is terrible!"

Given that matron_jojo is the only person who has given any indication at all of appreciating the hairless me, I'm used to these comments. The fact is I know any publicity is good publicuty, and if they are talking about the Mo, then I'm talking about mens health issues - so it all works out.

I threw a few choice comments in said buiders direction - nothing unusual there - and went on with my day.

When I got home tonight I found out what "we've donated" translates to. WOW. Needless to say I'll be making a phone call first thing tommorow to thank the owner personally.

Not that this finishes the job. Forget about supporting me. If you are concerned about men's health issues like depression and prostate cancer, please take a few seconds to donate to me, or to anyone you know who is joining in the Movember fun.

You can support me here


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