For something that started off so well I've been really slack this last week.
Not that circumstance has assisted much.
See, most of these photo-journal posts have been done at around 10 at night. Last Thursday was my birthday. I had a good one, thanks for asking, and got the Nintendo DS I wanted. But didn't have time to post.
Friday was my work Christmas do - didn't get home that night - didn't get to bed until 3am on Saturday.
Saturday. Well if you know
sf_dtail_49 then you know what my afternoon/evening consisted of, and we didn't get home till after 11.
Sunday night my hockey game finished at 9pm.
Much should have been made of this event, not least the disgraceful effort made by Big Will, our club President and goalie extraordinair. Yes kids this is a straight man. He actually paid money to get these pads. On purpose. Also we won on the night. Unfortunately the other big event of the evening was me backing into the car of one of the opposition in the car park. That would be a claim and $300 excess payment down the drain, and me in a foul mood and not wanting to update the blog.
Monday was a Monday.
And then there was Tuesday which, as the post's title suggests, belonged to
matron_jojo's seminar presentation.
So here we are back at Wednesday and I didn't get to bowl again, but I did stand behind the bar all night doing the Club thing.
So on to Thursday then...