[cyworld] Young Won (Aug. 22 - Sept. 9, 2010)

Sep 09, 2010 16:35

100822 Youngwon's Cyworld Update

말그대로 빛나는 우리

Literally, we shine

100827 Yongwon's Cyworld Update


Formal Dalmatian pretty right ^^

100830 Yongwon's Cyworld Update

Where am I? ^^
the people who get it right, i'll give you a BGM as a present ^^

T/N: okay so yah if ya'll didn't know BGM means background music (you can gift background music on cyworld), not translated by me but by my friend if anyone has a better translation that makes more sense feel free to tell me

100901 Youngwon's Cyworld Update

In the waiting room while waiting for the shoot !

This being

I guess this is what they call the morning face?^^**

**[T/N: kinda like the face you wake up in!! XD no make up etc ~]

100904 Youngwon's Cyworld Update

100906 Youngwon's Cyworld Update

100909 Youngwon's Cyworld Sidebar Update

Every Tuesday on Mnet at 7p.m.
is "Dalmatian's Manager Goes on Strike!!!"
Please watch it lots ^^
Dalmatian DoGgy DoG!!!

Credit Source to YOUNG WON'S CY

Credits Translations to SOULMATE, BOSS!, CAKE, krystalenn, seoulfoood@DALMINATION

news: cyworld, member: young won

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