I am so proud of Foxy. He is such a smart cookie. He learned "roll over" today in 10 mins. Wow! I was all jumping up and down in excitement. He now knows, "sit, stay, down, speak, bring it to me, go get it, come, and roll over." I am so happy! What a little puppy! In Jan/Feb, he will be a year old. He's pretty awesome apart from his needing to hump his stuffed teddy bear aka Mr. Bear. He snuggles it and sleeps with it. I dont really care about that as long as he doesnt hump animals and people. Lol. That, and he cuddles with us and comes next to us so we can hold him. I never knew dogs could be like this? I never knew anything about dogs. What an awesome discovery!
The tricks/commands we just cant figure out yet: "gimme paw, play dead, high five, drop it/leave it" (bc he thinks every game should be tug-o-war), and he doesnt understand the concept of me pointing at something.
Whatever, he is my little boy! Even funnier, Mandy who is almost 9 years old is learning these things with him. She is just so vocal with her loud howling that I cant always practice with her around. :/
Some randoms:
-We are still house hunting
-That place is still a nightmare
-Mandy is breaking out in hot spots whenever she goes there
-Camel "crush" cigarettes....anyone? pretty interesting. God, I hate smoking.
-How any middle class worker could identify with Joe the Plumber...mind you, a plumber who makes over $250K, is beyond me.
-So sad the debates are over. They were quite fun!
-I am looking forward to seeing that new movie "W"...and the new Saturday Night Live, of course.
-Foxy and Mandy are going to their first agility meet up on Sunday! YAY!