Oct 10, 2006 13:06
We got caught drinking last night. There was eight of us drinking a few beers when one of our fellow new kids knocked on the door saying that she had lost her keys and was locked out of her apartment. The funny part was that we saw her drive by with her roommates five minutes prior. We knew that they would most likely call our new kid directors, so we went over to their house to talk to them and kind of understand what was going on.
Two other boys where the ones to come out and talked to us. While we were sitting in the car (so as not to disturb their roommates), Jamal came up and knocked on the window. He talked to us about it, obviously very dissapointed, as to be expected- and I definately talked too much (some people may have thought it mouthy) but I just wanted to fully understand why this was happening to me.
Yes, we are Young Americans now- we don't break the law, we don't do bad things, we stand upright before society. But, we lie to eachother? We jump to conclusions? We do not seek to understand, we just judge and betray? I don't understand. I don't understand why I can't drink a little once in the two months that I have been out here. I don't understand why it is such a big deal. I don't understand why everybody is so uptight. Bah! I just want to live in harmony with everyone and not have to worry about being myself. And myself is not an alcoholic. Myself is not a party animal. Myself is rather reserved. But myself enjoys loosening up around people she knows well every once in a while.
But I am very sorry that this happened. I am very sorry to dissapoint Bill, Robyn, Neda, Jamal, Ivan, Tara, Kat, and eventhough I haven't met him yet- Milt. In this short time, they have earned my growing respect in every day that I have with them.
At 3am:
We are the Young Americans.
I was just caught partying for my first (everyone's first, i'm pretty sure) time as a new kid. I have mouthy tendancies. Especially when my nerves are loosened by a few beers. I talked back to jamal this evening- eveyone told me that I shouldn't have talked back, but I do it anyway, no matter what anyone says, I dont exactly mean to be but I am just kind of mouthy. I have this undying urge to always confront authority.
Anyway, my friends said that the Young Americans will brainwash me. It is totally true. Do you know what their brainwashing actually is? It is that they want us to become good people. They want us to be good people already. people who stand out for their sober, lawfully abiding tendencies. Their discipline is not traditional crime and punishment, but is a dissapointment. A standard. An expectation and their example that they've set for us. The best of the best. The toughest of the tough. The too good to be true. That is what Young Americans are supposed to be. We come into this program totally different than who we are when we come out, it is a new style of life. We don't party- we obey the law. We fucking obey the law! That is what it's all about. This is the whole reason that it was started, to show society that their negative outlook on youth is incorrect- we aren't run-of-the-mill stereotypical teenagers, we are exceptional.
Is this right? Is this what I should be doing? Is this worth it? Should I change my mind for their ways of thought?