Professional before professional

Nov 02, 2015 22:51

WSG: 5 Differences between Pro and Ama novelist

Teltale signs of amatuer writer

Teltale signs of amatuer artist

Pro Artist textile

I am starting to wonder if I should give up. I can't make a positive entry lately because nothing is happening. I have to push myself extra further just to get into the real beginning steps. My technique doesn't seem enough. Enough to attempt being noticed. If I wanted to enter a contest or if I wanted to show samples, I would feel limited.

Even as a writer or an artist, I don't have the credentials. No one wants a starter without a professional wit. Which means that I have to start before starting. So I told myself to "sketch everyday" or to attempt maybe "100 words a day" so that I can be comfortable with it all as a daily function. However, I don't produce work that I potentially want to send out as a proposal. I guess I'm still in that "leisure stage".

All in all, planning takes too long and I'm just surrounded by babysitting and cheap work. Hours past, days past, months, seasons, years. I must be doing something wrong here.

Then, I have a little to no means to go to Comiccom or to meet professionals. Traveling, relocate, I always get so envious. People make it seem so easy. A train to Lansing is roughly 2.5 hours and $40? Do I even want to imagine anywhere in New York or California? Even plane tickets?

Now I wonder if I'm for this kind of thing. It's probably too late and I'm destined to stay at a standstill because of a regret.

There must be an answer.

I also wondered that if I found what I was looking for, will I become arrogant? What will it look like if my outlook changes?

On a good side, NEW MACROSS!


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