I can't count how many times I've been sick this year, and I need to practice anti-earache remedies. Last week was a cold, this week is an another earache. If I'm going to have earaches after every hair appointment, I need to do something.
Also, tons of rain.
And niece overlord really loves french fries, and thinks I must come home with fries. "You have frai-es?" Yes, she's still stuck with me.
Glad I'm playing SKYWARD SWORD. Big entry on that some day on what I think of it so far. I don't regret picking it up.
I finished Yukikaze (book), so now I need GOOD LUCK Yukikaze.
But I feel like I need to read the first half again to make sure I full fathomed since there is a theme about inhuman/machine-like and human. It's more clearer in later chapters. If there's one thing I know: That Yukikaze is really broken. I think I understood maybe 70% of the plane's statistics?
I think, in particular, that "Faery Winter" chapter was pretty good.
And question of the month: WHAT DO YOU NEED A UZI FOR?!
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On the bright and sunny side:
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Loved my NES!