Aug 07, 2014 12:44

Time for a tube ramble. Somehow I got some watch time in.

[ PSYCHO PASS & SekiTomo is cool-smart! ]
Who likes plastic?.
I'll first say this: Great instrumentals for the first OP "Abnormalize" (linked). The guitar and drums only though.

Now, to the show after eight eps: Basically, there is a feeling of restriction, and an underlying sense of gloom. We're measured by a hue color, which seems to represent our mental level. How coefficient we are to "stability". In the 2nd ep, there is the utilization of holograms, and it was that and the idea of a Sybil system made me think that this show has a theme of being restricted or "making a reality how we want it". A perfect reality, enough that we are willing to force people into therapy or shoot them to death if we go too deep into the abyss. Even a child can be killed if he/she exerts a criminal behavior.

The antagonist Makishima has a problem with this "reality" of keeping our hues stable, so he uses others and creates chaos. Another case of sick-dick Sakurai Takahiro. How many times has it been now? However, Makishima himself while a sicko has an interesting thought process. He seems to be an aesthetic in a fabricated "plastic world". I hope I explained this right.

I know one thing: I can see why some of these episodes got banned. And if not that (EP 8?): [Spoiler (click to open)]then there's Sakamoto Maaya's (her character Rikako) fate.

I finally finished Shinkenger, and i'm even more determined to finish Kakuranger. I think I have yet to see a really strong FINAL from Tokusatsu. Because I was a little disappointed from Rider Fourze, Rider Wizard and Kyoryuger. Watching all the way through was very fun.

Dokoku was very fearful and it was great. I officially call ShikenGold "Japanese Jim Carrey". Takeru has like four (3 Shinkengers + Daigoyo) doofuses in his retainer group. However, the ending was important because [Spoiler (click to open)]it shows that replacements aren't easy to grasp despite the inevitable, or old customs It was a reminder of the adventure I went through while watching the entire show. Made me wonder if watchers of the show were upset? What confused me was Takeru's parent. I won't spoil it.

Liked Shinkenmaru! Simple, but cool, and everybody had a sword. Perfect for a samurai-theme show. Didn't like the style of the toy-like origami though or the combination.

I kept getting a gay crush on [Spoiler (click to open)]Romi Paku (Daiyuu) when she appeared, and it was THE ROMI PAKU! In a mistress robe, with her nice despairing "Why the hell did you cheat on me" face. Or maybe it's not called "mistress robe". She was Shinza's wife? It was an elegant robe.

It was weird, but fun because you could see the Staff's intelligent grasp of sci-fi element. Or maybe I should say the comic artist's creativity or familiarity of sci-fi. Even Kojima Hideo highly praised it. Maybe that is why I liked it, and how there was no fear to present...what we've seen. Whether it was as a visual or some scientific info or concept such as human bio-engineering.

I mean we're talking about alien placenta here. Also, deaths. Not only was there the intelligent grasp, there was this "dark and desperate" feeling, along with the violence, that I liked about it. Human beings, who can't make children naturally, are forced to fight for an exhibition colony (or so that's what I call it). A fixed military/population means quick promotions and drafting. There is an emphasize on fighting the gauna by any means. I like military fiction.

I'm not a fan of CGI, or the character design, and even the battles were a little hard to see. Despite that, the battles were cool though!

What makes me think "Wow, this looks good" or "Oh, they're going to do that?!" or "Holy Cow!"? I like some good suspense.

The Fool might be the Warring States theme. We all seen it before: fighting (and plenty of violence!) and factions making decisions. As expected, like in feudal days, so much flip-flop. I guess I could watch The Fool because it was average.

Something about The Fool that made me think that the show was just completely there. I was not particularly impressed or anything. It was just made for a time slot. I'm tired of Miyamo Mamoru being at the top of roles because watchers (or directors?) are biased, thinking he's the most suitable for a cool character. Especially a leader. Same with Kaji Yuki, although Hideyoshi was like that cool little (?) brother. It's like I always see people from Sigma Seven, Ken, and Aoni, formerly and currently. Although Sakurai, formerly 81Pro, has plenty of roles.

Round Table member Alexander's debut was good though!

Not a damn single Round Table member was named after someone from the Round Table!

I kept seeing arguments about Caesar and Akechi's romantic situations, or how Akechi was too much of an Oda dog to care for a woman. Maybe this is a subject for another time.

I'm also watching Aldonoah Zero.

So Sidonia is over (for now), Nobunaga is over, Shinkenger is over, add Psycho Pass and Aldonoah. Did I add Captain Earth?

I also watched the couple eps of Jetman.

paku romi (朴路美), watchlist ramble, tv/radio, animation, spoilers

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