Jun 24, 2014 08:04
Well, my butt's been busy.
And this new week starts off with some nice racism. Course I'm being sarcastic; paternal shows are wrecking our brains. It's pathetic to begin with.
So one lady says that "black people always sleep around and get people pregnant". Which makes me wonder what episodes did she miss? I don't know the ratio nor care.
and one guy counters/complaints saying that "what about the white people are welfare? Most of them are."
Although the lady was super false, guy mentions later about how whites are the biggest crooks, liars and such.
Where am I really? Racism is no good, no matter what. Unhealthy; call it naive, don't fight racism with it.
Last week was also busy, and I told that stinkpest not to bother me.
doggie week,
doggie's world,
rants and my ugly side