Four WTFs

Jun 03, 2014 21:26

Doggie's here, and it's hot.

1.) So it looks like my niece's new favorite thing to say "I NEED!", clear as daylight when she wants food. She used to say "Give me some". Her "I NEEEEEEED" sounds so forceful and whiny. Then again, she was always bossy.

2.) So for Skyward Sword, looks like my Wiimotion adapter stopped working after a few days of playing. This is what I get for being a cheapskate. Bless Mario Kart 8 for doing well. I need to make a goal for better finance and catch up to the new generation.

3.) Two 12-Year-Old Girls Stabbed Their Friend 19 Times, Saying Internet Meme “Slender Man” Told Them To

Slender Man wants to chase girls. Why are you listening to a faceless thing with tentacles?

4.) Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary movie (SEE VID BELOW). WTF is this Japan on Milo? So Milo's movie VA is going to be Asano Masumi, which is really weird. She usually plays a girl/woman.

【浅野真澄/ミロ】 男性のキャラクターを演じたのですが、自由にやらせていただきました。青銅聖闘士の方たちは挑んでくるとき も、やられる時も常に全力で、それを受け止める黄金聖闘士の器も大きく感じましたし、とにかくみんなのエネ ルギーが凄かったです。
"I played a male character but let me interpret freely. I put all my strength, as well as the Bronze Saints come face me when I'm having, and I really felt how the Gold Saints are people of high stature. In any case, everyone was full of incredible energy."

It's just...what? o-O;

I can't take this seriously at all. Milo is such a strong character. Voice is pretty, but against a character who is loyal w/o question, hurting Kanon, and even fighting three Golds. What are you trying to do? It's not necessary. The movie is warped as it is. There's rumors that Milo might be a woman. We'll just have to see.

Other than that, I am totally happy about Camus! Total fix from the OVAs and actually feels like a Master.


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doggie week, omg, tv/radio, family, animation

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