Video Time + Random Topic

Oct 26, 2013 23:54

I'm having those days where I'm so lazy that I can't focus.

Plus, I was reading about "sex in writing", and I'm trying not to ramble due to lack of knowledge/material. I'm trying to remember if there is a difference in how the brain processes imagery and how it receives words?

or is it both because we can see (the sense of sight) both pictures and words? And words produce images?

Hard to explain. It's late. However, I might officially fix into me the opinion that intercourse should never be on paper, literally. ESPECIALLY fanfiction. But I'm always worried over fighting against popular objective opinions.

Oh, and I finally finished GARO MAKAI SENKI!

Video time.

This is amazing. The emotions of Kingdom Hearts fans.

image Click to view

A cutie ferret gets too curious:

image Click to view

Monster Hunter x DDR. Everyday struggle

image Click to view

video, tv/radio

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