Finance and Kindness?

May 06, 2013 00:41


1...2...3...I can't take it.

I had a rare time off on the weekend, and what do I have to do during it? Babysit! The whole times off that I'm free. This can not continue; she needs to go to daycare. It's not worth it; I'm too busy and let's face it, I'm not a kid. At her age, I'd have to hop around and take her to the park to keep up with her energy. I can't play with/watch overlord all the time, and I always get concern when she runs all over the house. Too many confinements. I also can't give over the selfish bitterness that I have to watch someone else's child SO much. And I don't like that someone.

Maybe I need to make this a goal: Get myself a bicycle and baby seat for it.

That's all there's to it -- hard work and hyper babysitting. Aside from niece overlord, I remember the feeling of appreciating small things, especially from other people.

Also, ecclesiastical money? Pastors and other religionists seem to think they can say whatever they wish. If I don't offer money, or if I don't offer "enough' (say, pay way less than I would for clothes or a daily basis), even for a fixed minimum (Why!?), it's worth taunting about? Or does it make me "not godly"?

How much rent does a church really need to give?! They can receive hundreds in a single day. Where is it going? I can understand rebuking greed, but sometimes we don't have a lot in the wallet. I like to give at least ten; sometimes five. I'm not trying to put "need/want" at a very high priority, but you do need money. It's not like omnipresence God needs money.

And frankly, despite the meaning of the word "tithe" (A tenth), I don't want to imitate the past. The crap that was going on the Bible, from greedy centuries-long monarchies to slavery and castes genocide?, it is something I rather not deal with. Who says I need to give a tenth?

Which reminds me, Feb 2013: Applebee’s defends firing of waitress who posted pastor’s ‘God’ receipt.

"I give God 10%. Why do you get 18?" What's with the behavior?

I've been worried about money lately...and I don't like it. Financial worries are overdone and I dislike the provocation of greed.

My NOOK's broken. Can't trust tech tools, even for reading can I? And I was reading BACCANO again before I dropped the thing. But lately, I've been more inspired to read. Wanted to talk about what I like to see in books (and maybe acting), but lack of time. It's really itching my thoughts though. They're twisted, but I believe I can get the right details together.

Ueda Yuji, who read philosophy and psychology book, says about character performing: 「常日頃から意識の中に並べ持っている感覚を大事にしている」

Been watching Shinkenger and Kyoryuger, and I'M trying to read Magi: The Labyrinth. Aladdin is unbelievable...

Updated katsuki_masako.


Here's a weird Sonic the Hedgehog song. Not sure why a desert stage has a song called "Ethno Circus". Does it mean a bazaar? Sonic Rush has interesting music. Never played it before.

image Click to view

sega, doggie watchlist, ueda yuji (うえだゆうじ), health, sonic

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