Laughing at the Ugly #helloooooo

Apr 20, 2013 04:27

Came home, slept, and woke up too early. I keep dreaming about groceries...

This is a rough topic: Racism and name-calling. This really isn't a "rant/my ugly side" kind of entry, but it's still something to wrinkle the nose at.

In the midst of the "Boston Manhunt", blame and the anticipation to "defeat terrorism ass" is widely rampant. So on Twitter, I see the words "towel heads", "carpet riders", and "camel humpers" and "sand #*!ers" (or just the 2nd word alone, especially referring to the U.S President). I can't help but...become humored. It's just disgusting and so amazing.

And within these words, is also the term "Libtard", used to refer to Democrats and those who support Democrats or Left Wing politics like it's a problem. Also, democrats, probably because of the history (especially KKK), are widely accused of being racist. What? Republicans and those who support them and Right wing politics are not? Not at all? Do they think they're less racist?

What's more funny is that they say "you libtards supporting the sand [censors]". What's sad is that these words, or views, are so ingrained into our lives that we won't consider them insulting at all.

The vitriolic result of disagreeing with opinions is apparently very "left wing"

>> Liberals often define simple disagreement with them on issues like gay marriage, tax rates, or abortion as hatred.

>> What could be more close-minded than assuming that not only are you right, but that you don't even need to consider another viewpoint because anyone who disagrees must be evil?

youtube comment (2 months ago): "fuck libtards and niggers"

Here's another youtube comment: "Liberals are the new fascists. Telling everyone what to do, how to live their lives, how to think. They are complete psychos."

No difference at all. I don't see it.

>> One reason the leftist rats hate the military and police so much is because they can't (yet) use them to forcibly disarm the population and kill anyone who resists.

Anyways, finished Z Gundam TV series. Soooo, why do people hate Gundam AGE again?

EDIT: I forgot one fundamental thing that actually spurred me to do this entry.

The fact that people make these tweets and hashtag the words "not racist".

history, twitter, politics, gundam, rants and my ugly side

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