Continuing from
this entry about voice quality adaptability It's one of those nights again. Niecey is sick, and is in and out of sleep. It just had to be a Sunday. Also, I might need to prepare for solace since niecey's "parent" Stink-Pest might visit for more than a day. Finally, I am having weird hand pain?
Anyways, more seiyuu analysis talk, inspired by a blogger named sinamon-imf on (did a blog entry about Katsuki Masako), and once again by Yuzu's voice compatibility talk on In a previous entry, I did my personal analysiss on how I would rate
K-sensei (Katsuki Masako)'s voice quality through six categories developed by YUZU, and included a radar graph since he/she made some to map the categories. Each gender had six different categories, which I wonder why was that? I can't seem to find an explanation. The male categories seemed to describe the tone; for example, "coolness" (クールさ), "Sexy" (色気), "bitterness" (渋さ; roughness), "comicalness" (コミカルさ). As for the girls, while there is also "sexy" and "comical", the rest are split into age groups. Like "little girl" or "older woman" or "big sis like". The males are not split into "boy" (少年), "youth" (青年) or "mature" (壮年).
I don't know the reason. Yuzu seems to say "inclination of voice actress via viewpoint". Pigeonhole?!?! So is it to make it interesting? So, I was thinking, what if K-sensei was warped, and I use to the male categories to describe her voice? What would I say?
I want to do this for a woman too because I think it can fit. This time I am not going to do grading, nor make a radar graph. Just going to express opinions of each category.
「熱血さ」:Passion (quoting, "Simply put, "Super robot anime or Sports maniac suitability in old days")
「色気」:Sexy/H voice
「渋さ」: Elderly voice/astringent
「コミカルさ」:Comical (Gag)
Boy-like: Both Male and female graphs of Yuzu have a "boy classification". Interestingly enough, sinamon identified K-sensei's "system" (role and voice) with big-time veteran Ohara Noriko (小原 乃梨子), explaining that both specifically have high-pitched voices and perform sexy characters. Also, Ohara had or had a tendency to play boy roles such as Future Boy Conan and Doraemon's Nobita, and her voice can be a little husky, but it's not the same case with K. I have already explained in my last entry that K's boy roles are virtually non-existent, but she has voiced a few, and there is potential.
I think I would have to switch this around to "Girl-like". K has voiced different girl roles, and shouldn't have a problem, but her voice probably doesn't fit the munchkin types (who are like 10 and under). I don't know, I don't think I've seen her voice those little little kids.
Passion: Umm...hmmm. I don't really like saying "hotblooded" because it reminds me of a horse. 「熱血さ」means "enthusiasm" or "puts his/her heart into it". The apex of passion is often displayed in robot media, or very action or sports-oriented shows (ie: Hajime no ippo, MAJOR). A lot of the main characters, especially in old super robot shows, were described as "hot blooded" because they're "LET'S GOOO!" reckless and have a strong sense of justice to fight the bad guys with. They're usually very open vocally, and this all formed the basis of 「熱血漢」 character.
In many cases, but not all, a female character isn't described as 「熱い」, or at least from what I've seen. One example does come to mind, and that's
Patorisia Hackman from Super Robot Wars F, voiced by Hayashibara Megumi (林原 めぐみ). K-sensei...well, she don't seem to have these kind of obvious rush-ahead or "put my heart into it" characters like what you'd see from mecha or sports. However, many of her characters are temperamental and have high-tension. When it comes down to it, I think K can really give out a passionate performance and can "passionate" mean "for sex" too?. I think NARUTO's Tsunade gets a rare "roused heroic feeling" scene or two. Maybe I can say that, for a 「熱血漢」 type, there is high potential?
Coolness: Yes. A lot of fans say she plays the "Cool type", or 冷徹 (cool-headed). I don't have much to say here. When it's an older woman, this is mostly the case? An older person or older sibling type can be easily focused and composed, and can work as a person of guidance, or just works period. D.grayman's General Klaud, Borgman's Memory Gene (Described as 冷静沈着 or calm and collected, on Wikipedia), Sailor Moon's Kaioh Michiru (mostly?), Z Gundam's Reccoa, Kayura, Tsukaima's Sheffield, Shana III's Sohpie, Arslan's Farangis (I think that's a good example!), etc.
Sexiness: Do I even need to say anything? This, and 「渋さ」 below, could probably fit together and be compared to "attractive mature woman" (熟女; jyukujyo) from the woman's graph. To quote sinamon, "performing a voluptuous adult character is her selling point." Like I said
in this entry, she voices a lot of beauties. Maybe more than ANYTHING, when I look up reactions to her performances, her name, the name 'Katsuki Masako" is often associated with the Kanji 「色気」. There are some people out there who think she'd fit Mine Fujiko of Lupin if that says anything. Others words that describe her voice, which I've seen, are "glamour" and "charming".
Astringent: Because of her roles, I had wondered at one time if her voice was a contralto. But it turns out, from what she said on twitter, a "low tone" was a little hard for her to do. She is actually mezzo-sorprano, and her natural tone sounds a bit light. Even Morikawa Toshiyuki said that he doesn't sound "low" normally, but he plays those characters often. Regardless, she can do the deep old lady voice fine. NARUTO's Tsunade fits this pretty good since it's raspy. Tsunade's voice is probably killing her....
Comical (Gag): Fantastic. Even sinamon thinks her comical roles are great. Matter of fact, he/she said "it's outstanding". I talked more about her gag characters
in the older entry. I want her to come back to Pokemon as WHOEVER, and maybe tokusatsu.
So what do you think?