The brain is an amazing thing isn't it?
Experts don't know how many Americans have fetal alcohol syndrome or one if its related disorders, but the impact of the conditions on society is enormous.
It's Tuesday; so far so good this week, sort of. I question humanity.
Stink-pest talk again; I promised I wouldn't, but an article caught my interest.
Of Different Mind: FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) SO apparently Stink-Pest has FAD, and lately she has been an absolute PAIN that it's so embarrassing to know that she's a parent. It's because of her behavior and incompetent actions that I end up babysitting a lot. So I'm told to remind myself that she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Am I supposed to be relieved that all this trouble was from something she had no power over? And CAN anything even be done about it?
IF this is the case, then maybe she can't live alone? or with an infant? She is incapable of making good choices? is brain damage that cursed?
Brain damage could also mean "unable to discern words or numbers". That shouldn't be a bad thing. It might also mean "unable to sense".
A quote from the article, from Michelle Ford, "If I had been not brain damaged, I don't think I would have committed that crime," Michelle Ford said. "I still did it, and I'm still responsible for it. … I don't want to hide behind my brain damage and say, 'It's all the brain damage's fault. But I had the freedom of a 22-year-old with the brain power of a 5-year-old."
But you knew? You did. So what's going on? You're in another state of mind at one time, and you're just waking up in court?
Another quote:"I always thought there was just something wrong with me," she said. "When I found out I had brain damage, I was so relieved to find out nothing was really wrong with me. I was just brain-damaged. I wasn't crazy. There was an explanation for what was wrong, and it wasn't my fault.""
The "wrong" is brain damage.
So now what? For those who drink, long after, we can't be aware of our actions? We're not going to be born perfect, yeah? What does that "P" word mean anyway? Or how about the "N" word: Normal?
I am awkward myself in anyone can tell.
What are we supposed to do about this?
In the same article, FAS is compared to lobotomy or a botched one?. It's an article that makes me a little depressed, like nothing can be done. Kids grow into adults and they can take any action and not understand consequences because sensing that is absent to them. But at the same time, they know how to call the police on an assaulter, dislike close relatives and call them names, know how to plot an idea about beating someone up as retaliation, etc.
Least that's the case with Stink-Pest. Maybe she's really just a jerk, and would have been with BD or not. Also, if someone is BD and easily led, then why the constant rebelliousness? Or are they pissed off from being misunderstood and grew up being inclined to anger like ANYONE else can? myself included.
A lot of us don't know if, to quote Lissie Clark in the same article, "we're ending up with bad people or not", even without BD. You know?