Late night take on "Word Association Character" Baton (単語からキャラを連想)

Feb 09, 2013 23:28

From my previous entry about the baton. Who wants to play too?

Again, the rules are simple: Name a character with the word that describes him/her the best.

It's late and I'm a bit grouchy because I had niece overlord SINCE last Thursday, and I'm getting lack of sleep. My monday was good; maybe next week will have a shining star?

Here's my take on the baton. If I do it again in the future, maybe I'll have different, better answers. Some I don't have specific answers for.


活発 (Full of life)→ Endoh Mamoru (Inazuma Eleven)
愛 (Love)→ Pepé Le Pew (Looney Toons). NOT the best example though.
天才 (Genius)→ Shikamaru (NARUTO)
賢者 (A wise person)→ Yoda (Star Wars)
馬鹿 (Dumbass)→ Leorio (HunterxHunter) in a good way (lol)
無口 (Quiet) → Ayanami Rei (Neon Genesis Evangeleon)
冷静→ (cool headed)→ Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
熱血 (Hotblooded/passion)→ Anizawa Meito (兄沢 命斗)/Anime Tenchou.
復讐 (revenge)→ Uchiha Sasuke (NARUTO). Like, really bad.
剣 (Sword)→ Zengar Zonvolt (Super Robot Wars).
槍 (Spear)→ Harada Sanosuke (Hakuouki) [I had someone better in mind but can't remember)
銃 (Gun)→ Lady Eboshi/Eboshi Gozen (Princess Mononoke)
ナイフ (knife)→ Firo Prochanezo (BACCANO)
不幸 (misery)→ Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh)
暗黒 (Dark)→ Batman (DC Comics)
集中力 (Concentration)→ Virgo Saints of Saint Seiya
受動的 (passive)→ Giant monsters from the Neverending Story
推理 (Reasoning)→
煙草 (Cigarette)→ Pip Bernodotte! (HELLSING)
眼鏡 (Glasses)→ Haruto (SAINT SEIYA OMEGA)
変人 (Eccentric)→ Ichimaru Gin (BLEACH)
超人 (Superhuman)→ Superman! (DC comics)


Took too long...

meme, 2013, tv/radio, animation, games, books/comics

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