A little about Doggie

Feb 06, 2013 22:24

UPDATED: June 13, 2015

Little frustrated. Had the baby since last Thursday. It is now Wednesday.

I thought I should do this: Who am I and what do I blog about?

I'll first say that this is NOT a friends-only blog. While I have a few friends-locked entries that I might be leery paranoid? about showing in public, this is pretty much an open blog that anyone can read and post replies to. All you need is a username on livejournal; anonymous posters should be able to post as well.

I am nicknamed Doggie because a majority of my nicknames are based on canines. I am an avid dog lover; I like animals in general. Often, I will blog about animals, share links and videos about them, especially if it has to do with their amazing work in being heroes. For example, dogs in the military, or in the firefighter and police service; or, they can just be plain cute. Please see the tag "Pets and animals".

As much as animals, or maybe more, I love games of all kinds. I'm like a big kid; this also includes video games (definitely). It plays a large part in my world of entertainment, and I will talk about it plenty under the tag "games", and in further detail under the tags "gaming ramble", "nintendo" and "sega". I will also include amusement parks, and anything on TV and radio. See tags "TV/Radio". Lately, I have not been watching much TV aside from documentaries. So if you want to find recent impressions on new dramas/shows or new seasons, I am probably not the best person to go to.

It is the same thing for books. Writing is correlated to reading; however, this is not a blog where I post excerpts of fanfiction and such. Also, I don't read a lot of fanfiction. Check out tag "books/comics". Yes, I do talk about ANIME and MANGA.

Again, with "personal subjects", I don't like to bring them up. I have a loving nuclear family and a large extended family. Had two dogs, my recent one died last July (2014). I have a few other nieces and nephews, but in recent days I talk about my newest niece who I often babysit. I don't talk about myself much because I'm a considerably private person. I also don't share photos of myself or people I know. Two photos of my dog are the only exception.

Once in and while, I will talk about machines, especially aerial machines and cars! I've been an airplane fan for a long time. Check the tag "vehicles and sports".

I can be a bit of pompous jerk, but who isn't? Under the tag "rants and my ugly side", and while I don't like revealing personal matters, I complain about teen pregnancy (no, I'm not a teen parent). Or rather, I get fired up maybe more than necessary about crime, especially child-related crimes (ie: abuse, negligence) and gang violence. This is often inclined towards youth isn't it? Maybe I should control my temper Just a warning. I am working on it as I rather not post things that are negative.

MUSIC! I enjoy it plenty much, and I try to listen to whatever I can to expand my knowledge of it. Listening to one or two genres is just too boring to me. The tag "music" has mostly videos in it, thus the quantity of the entries.

Entertainment: " seiyuu meme, " travel".
DAILY: Weather and climate, work/employment, michigan

entertainers, tv/radio, animation, travel, books/comics, technology/science, music, amusement rides, fun, history, gaming ramble, doggie's world, 2013, dreams, games

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