Happy Birthday, Lady Libra

Oct 18, 2012 00:06

I should've blogged earlier, then I would've remembered the strange dreams that I had. Since it's mid-October, the days are getting quite cool. I got my sweaters ready; also, plenty of rain and strong winds. Gloomy weather making me drowsy before the evening. I don't like taking too much naps.

Time for a b-day! October 15! Of course! I must express my appreciation.

X-posted at katsuki_masako


The 15th of October was K-chan's (Katsuki Masako (勝生 真沙子)) birthday, and over Twitter she received many messages from fans expressing their wide support and love. She replied to virtually everyone who celebrated her birthday, giving her thanks:

お祝いメッセージ、ありがとうございます(*´▽`*)滅茶苦茶嬉しい(≧▽≦)わざわざありがとうございますm(_ _)mこれからも宜しくお願い致します(#^_^#)

"On celebration message, thank you so much! I'm really really happy! Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.(#^_^#)

She also expresses her feelings on her blog: Birthday!

She is surprised by everyone's MANY celebration messages overflowing with love. The thought of this overflowing gratitude, she reaches to us....with a photo of flowers!

You know, it's been a year since she had Twitter, and she just started her blog last month. I'm still surprised at this, and I am also surprised by her character. Quite a kind person; she also seems curious and likes to try out new things. I still find it humorous that one of her favorite movies is The Exorcist and that she took her sister to the theater to watch it. bad bad girl..lol.

Very silly person. Also, a gamer!

The Bee Gees
I forgot to mention. Or maybe I didn't want to. Bee Gee's Robin Gibb...Thank you for everything.

image Click to view

I can't pick a favorite song, and I can't stop watching these Billboard videos...

Here's one for ABBA. Facing my Water-LOO!

entertainers, katsuki masako (勝生真沙子), obituary, tv/radio, music, 2012

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