Team Sugo Asurada! Hayato's helmet is great! I like his his blue-white driver uniform too.
Anyways, hello Sunday. Usually, I'm not here but I'm watching over mother so she won't have problems. She's doing better, but she may have to stay home for a few more days. Least she smiled. =D
So I had a weird thought.
I was just web-surfing, and saw "cosplay", wondering which character I'd best portray. I really don't know who it'd be. At the moment, I don't think I fit cosplaying at all, not sure if I ever want to try. Seems weird; I think I grew out of wearing costumes?
I could probably fit a Pokemon Trainer (red) or a CoolTrainer. A simple two piece costume of jacket and trousers. Hmm, I think Firo Prochanezo would be pretty cool. Again, he wears a simple attire (gotta love green, AND the hat). I'd have to do something with my hair and glasses though, lol.
Future Grand Prix (GPX) CYBER FORMULA
Not watching the OVAs yet, but I have quite a bit to get through. There's 11 ("Double-One"), Zero, Saga and SIN. Cyber Formula TV series had 37 episodes. Apparently, it was canceled; that's a shame. Why did that happen? Did it have to do with the production of the gundam and Braves series?
It was a good show, at least for someone like me who likes cars and racing. The plot is that CF racing has replaced F-1 racing in the future. The racers use these cars installed with AI guidance systems called "Cyber Systems" (CS) and boosters that can make the vehicles travel up to 400 km/h. Some of them have hydrogen engines. Originally a motorcyclist, fourteen-year-old Kazami Hayato became the driver of the Asurada GSX (reminds me more of a Group B car than a single-seater Formula car) when he had to transfer it to Team Sugo while in pursuit of an organization. Because Asurada registered him as the official driver and the data couldn't be erased, Hayato entered the time trials for the 10th Grand Prix. Asurada is considered to be the most neuro-intelligent CS.
If there's a trigger/switch-like gear shift in real cars, I like to find out. I think it's awesome ;) And I don't mean a handlebar behind the wheel.
Asurada has the H-type manual transmission gearbox.
What I do like about this show, is not only Asurada the car, but Hayato' development as a driver AND the race tracks. Hayato had trouble with G-Forces, Asurada had to tell him about his sloppy driving and braking, etc. I also like the other cars as well such as Superion (Shinjyo's car). Hi,
Midorin! (lol)
Randoll annoyed me in his driving. Is he THAT perfect? But, loved the tension between him and Hayato.
The tracks are interesting, and dangerous. Virtually all of them are like rally-like (ie: point-to-point) and out of the circuit. Like what the narrator says, it really tests the limits of the driver: mountains, ice, rainy days, waves, etc. The mountain really bothered me when I saw the a lot of the drivers, cept maybe Otomo, driving smoothly in the mountain tracks with little to no problem. Hayato's difficulties, being a green racer, was obvious. At least, Otomo's car looks like it can handle off-road.
Another thing that bothered me sometimes was Asurada's lucky maneuvers (ie: flying between two cars, bouncing off stuff).
Like I said before, animation/art isn't that great. I swear Hayato had like Captain Tsubasa hair in one episode, lol.
That is all.
Kim Kardashian dressed up at Posion Ivy. She looks nice.