Sep 22, 2011 20:10
In the United States this week, two criminals on Death Row were executed and had wide media attention. One was apparently innocent, alleged to have shot someone.
Because of the radio talk on it, I had some thoughts since I knew I talked about capital punishment.
But I was further inspired to express this because of particular YouTube Videos. It's like, from Youtube vids, my home state of Michigan (or just the city of Detroit) is widely associated with crime.
People say killing is wrong, or the death penalty is wrong. Shortly before he was executed, Mr. Troy Davis said "God Bless" (or "May God Forgive you") as his last words.
I know if I lost a family member to a shooting, gang crime, stabbing, etc. I'd be so angry.
What about you?
Aside from that, I watched Kamen Rider FOURZE. I'm still surprised that Kamen Rider has been around for fourty years. Also, Nobuyuki Hiyama is the Narrator.
It's SPACE TIME! (宇宙、キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!) Maybe we should follow Gentarou's example: make friends with everybody.
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