We knew the heat was going to spike. What can I say? I complain about too much cold rain and snow, and the days are finally beautiful. But now, the temperature seems to be getting really concerning.
So this week, I learned that I can really lack compassion towards teen parents. Incompetency and constant complaints about parents are pet peeves. I go on and ask about "first time sex at a young age".
From the answers, the most key words I see is "pressure", "trust", "Responsibility", "cool", "regret", "love".
So apparently, according to the results, it's lame to be over 20 or maaayyyybe over 13 or 14 to have sex. "As long as you use a condom and love that person, then it's fine", to quote someone.
I think it's a gift that the...way to create life is pleasurable (mostly), but there are many other pleasurable things in life yeah? So why the hurry?
On the good side, stealing borrowed my kid sister's UNUSED PS2 and currently playing good ol Breath of Fire 3 (my CD). I LOVE NOSTALGIA! I think it's good enough payment for cleaning her room. ^^: You wouldn't believe how messy it was. Now my muscles are hurting.
Glad I helped clean around my parents' house. Dad shouldn't push himself at all.
Time for comic. I am on edge for D.GRAYMAN and can't wait for manga spoilers. I think they appear around the end of each month.
Also, KAtekyo Hitman Reborn!
Sports news: Indy 500 turned 100 years old! And Justin Timberlake wins the race?! Video time! Sexy cars time!
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