From Twitter 01-19-2011

Jan 20, 2011 03:17

  • 13:20:12: Ok, I got my Livejournal community up for K-sensei! I'll just have to work on some rules and entries.♥
    勝生真沙子さんを応援しよう♥ #help #blog #seiyuu
  • 14:06:32: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts As a #Sagittarius being a passionate fire sign, you throw yourself into everything with the force of a spe ...
  • 14:06:41: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts As a #Sagittarius honesty is a trait you prize dearly, but watch where you sling your own arrows of "truth."
  • 14:06:44: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts As a #Sagittarius your tendency to put partners up on a pedestal along with your independence can make it ...
  • 17:46:25: Heh, okay. So I made a phone photo of my Mii and attempted one for 勝生さん #nintendo #cute
  • 17:47:18: Dog video: Pinscher, the stick, and the Sea #humor #pets #dog
  • 17:53:04: On cocoa power! Time to finish that closet #yummy #drink #power #energy #house #clean
  • 17:59:21: It's-a-Mii! Doggie/Spada!
  • 19:58:02: I think that's enough. I should put everything back up in the closet.
  • 20:33:20: *eating dinner* #breaktime #food #dinner

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