The days are starting to get cooler now. Been busy with job training, and I've finally gonna go to the doc for this chronic coughing. It's been seriously annoying me. So I've been away from that too.
Maplestory Frustration
Main Article:
MAPLESTORYSo I'm getting a little frustrated with Maplestory again (and I finally returned to
ACE ONLINE). My dedication is really put to the test here. My goal is to get the Hero's Gladius, which requires like five VERY rare items, level up to max a couple of my fighter skills and to fight BALROG Easy mode before my third class change. The darn aliens invade the place and they are very annoying. An alien mothership recently crashed and the quest for it is NO PLACE for a level 30 character. So I got to get stronger anyway.
I spent at least three hours inside a Drum bunny dungeon JUST to get a RED WHIP and it never appeared. I only got it because this generous guy gave it to me for a low price at the FREE MARKET. Speaking of Free Market, what nonsense. Some guys want to sell stuff for like 80,000,000 or more. How about 500 million? Where are supposed to get all of that money?!
One of the items I need requires me to find ANOTHER very rare item for this NPC, who has a chance of giving me the item I don't need in exchange.
Do I have to play for hours just for this one item?
Time for entertainer stuff.
MikiShin and
HELLO KITTY. An Interesting mix... Sensei + Akira Ishida Appearance
Article: So,
K-sensei appears. I don't know if it's it a good guy or bad guy, especially since her name is not close to the top of the cast list. Usually that means its a baddie right? (sigh) I don't know the name either: メルインガル.
I also noticed something else: She seems to be appear in a lot of military fiction work. It's like she has a niche in action shows so I'm happy. So
she's very Shounen too What also makes me happy is
Ishida Akira, apparently the MAIN CHARACTER! Alright! His name is apparently Aki. "Aki Tesuno"?