Well, the
update round for the new news ticker is in:
a) Upwards of 3.1 million chickens were slaughtered--and bought, and cooked, and eaten by the likes of you and me--before it was found they were contaminated from one run of contaminated feed (meaning there are probably lots more contaminated chickens in the food chain); 100,000 chickens are now quarantined and scheduled to be destroyed.
I think next time I go out, I'll be ordering the lamb. At least New Zealand has bans on Chinese-sourced grain :P
b) More reports re the synergistic effects of cyanuric acid and melamine in cat urine (now thought to be the cause of death)--reportedly plastic crystals found in urine are 70% cyanuric acid, 30% melamine, and may contain other melamine breakdown products. Some reports from vets are horrifying (including a report from a vet at the ASPCA's main hospital in New York describing the nearly complete plasticisation from within of a cat's kidneys).
c) Reportedly the FDA is finding melamine in over half the samples they've done so far of Chinese-origin grain products (those of us who've read the news re melamine doping in China being an open secret aren't too shocked at this).