A little something I yoinked from Sanji-Cat

Nov 27, 2006 22:07

1. How did you find out about anime conventions?
From Friends and little advertising (at for AX anyway)

2. What and where was your first convention?
Anime Expo 2003

3. How old were you at your first convention?
22 yrs. old

4. Did you cosplay at your first convention, and if so, as whom?
Nope, but I wore a pink wig that a vendor threw into the audience.

5. How many conventions have you attended presently?
7 AX 03, 04, 05, 06, PMX 04, Wizard World 04 (maybe 03), and Gen Con 04

6. What was your favorite convention and why?
I think I had the most fun at AX 2004 because I got to participate in the One Piece gathering! (before it turned Yaoi)

7. List all your cosplays that you've cosplayed in the past (that you can remember) and tell which one is your favorite.
One Piece-- Zoro, Skypeia Zoro
Inuyasha-- Inuyasha
Fruits Basket-- Kyo
Petshop of Horrors-- Count D (though I was kind of a lame D)
Bleach-- A hippy-fied Orihime
Random Cat girl
As for my favorite, I'd have to go with Inuyasha. My mom made the costume and I seem to get the most attention with it. I love wearing my fangs for the costume!

8. If you have a dream convention that you want to attend, what is it?
One where I didn't have to work the same day as con.

9. Do you attend convention events, such as panels, karaoke, etc.?
I only attend panels if they catch my interest (the AMV contest is the only exception) but otherwise, no. I'd rather hunt for cosplayers and spent time in the dealer hall.

10. Have you ever entered a masquerade? And if so as who and did you win?
Too cowardly to do so, but thought about it.

11. Do you buy anything in the dealer's room? If so, what do you buy?
Whatever sparks my interest that's reasonably priced.

12. Do you buy anything in the artist alley? If so, what do you buy?
I need to hang out in Artist alley in little more to get a better answer...

13. What is the longest distance you've traveled to get to a convention either by plane or car?
Long Beach for PMX and Wizard World.

14. Have you met your favorite English voice actor?
Yes! At AX 2003, Richard Cox who voices Inuyasha and Ranma

15. Do you generally go to conventions with friends? Or your special someone? Or both?
I usually meet up with everyone (friends and special someone included) after I get off work.

16. Have you met a special someone at a convention and then hooked up there, or after?

17. Do you regret going to any specific convention? And if so, why?
Gen Con...it was lame.

18. What conventions do you have planned for next year?
AX, PMX, animagic, and maybe Comic Con

19. Have you made your dream costume yet? If so, who/what is it?
Hmm...I guess so, my Inuyasha costume.

20. Do you go by your forum name/pen name/nickname at cons?
I bounce around between Dog Demon Girl and Iris GTO

21. Do you have a convention that's on your birthday?
I wish!

22. What is your current favorite anime/manga? Have you cosplayed it yet?
Currently Grenadier and Noein in which I would like to cosplay Rushuna (Grenadier) and Karasu (Noein)

23. Do you make your own costumes, thrift them, or get them commissioned, etc?
I try to pick easy costumes that I can also wear in public. (ie, skypeia Zoro, Kyo) because I can't sew worth a damn.

24. Do you have any retired costumes? If any, why are they retired?
enh...no, not yet.

25. What costumes do you have planned for next year? Or if there are a lot of them, what series?
Hopefully Naga from Slayers. *fingers crossed*

26. Did you like this meme?
Yes, I liked it so much that I yoinked it from a fellow LJ user and did it myself.

27. Are you bored out of your mind because you're not at a con?
Enh...not really. I do anticipate the upcoming cons though.

28. When is your next con?
Probably AX 2007

29. Have you started any of your costumes for your next con?

30. Anything else I should know about you?
I wanna meet Kazuya Nakai and get my picture with him.
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