Mar 25, 2007 18:32
Staying late at the Times office made William feel a touch conflicted; on the one hand, it was almost like old times,1 back in Ankh-Morpork, working into the evening on an edition.
The problem was it wasn't exactly necessary, given that he was mostly working simply to fill time until the usual late-night radio broadcast; he felt it was his obligation as the editor of the Times to be up with what the other media were presenting. Added to that was the walk home, which wouldn't have been a problem in Ankh-Morpork; his guild fees were paid-up, the way was through relatively2 safe neighbourhoods, and if he didn't feel like it he could fall asleep at his desk in the Times office and nobody would complain.
Well, Sacharissa might frown at him, but given that she'd likely be doing it with a piece of paper stuck to the side of her face from where she'd fallen asleep at her desk, it didn't carry a lot of weight.
Here, though, he'd be walking through jungle that had proven unsafe, against his own published advice. At least, if it weren't for the handy police escort.
He looked up from where he was writing and smiled at Maladicta. "All right, there?"
1Pun intended, against the advice of the inner editor.
2As in, 'as safe as relatives.'